Ethnus accelerates potential and closes tech skill gaps. We help students and young professionals build proficiency to guarantee success.
Holistic training for students to power their future with the technical skills and competency
required to make them job-ready in only three months.
We analyse your goals and constraints to create a fully managed training and onboarding solution. With our vast network of campuses and student trainees, Ethnus creates business impact by building skilled, proficient and deployable teams.
We listen to your needs to
craft solutions that meet
your specific requirements
and match qualitative
industry standards.
We provide
training mapped to
candidate capabilities and
organisational needs.
We meet your
requirements by onboarding
proficient, ready-to-deploy,
certified professionals.
Ethnus works with state and central governments and allied partners to upskill India’s youth,
making them proficient in emerging technologies, creating job opportunities
and transforming lives.
Empanelled Training Partner for delivery of employability skills like technical aptitude, communication skills, and leadership and management skills in TEQIP-III institutions Duration . 2018 - 2020
Recognised by WorldSkills India & IndiaSkills as experts in Cloud Computing. On a mission to train Team India’s Skill Stars set to represent India at WorldSkills.
Certified Learning Content Provider successfully aligned to NASSCOM competency standards developed in collaboration with industry and government.
Empanelled training partner for imparting employability skills like general aptitude, technical skills, communication skills across engineering institutions of Tamil Nadu.
Empanelled training partner for imparting emerging technology skills like Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Full Stack, Salesforce etc,. for the youth of Kerala.
We provide learners from communities with limited opportunities the skills they
need to transform lives. Ethnus undertakes CSR initiatives in
skilling and training on behalf of donor organisations.